Isotope Js Alternative

IZotope Ozone was added by naught101 in Apr 2015 and the latest update was made in Mar 2019. The list of alternatives was updated Mar 2020. It's possible to update the information on iZotope Ozone or report it as discontinued, duplicated or spam. Impress.js is a presentation tool based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind JQuery, React, jQuery UI, AngularJS, and Vue.js are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Isotope. 'Cross-browser' is the primary reason why developers choose jQuery. JQuery, React, jQuery UI, AngularJS, and Vue.js are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Isotope. Isotope an alternative form of an element same number of protons and electrons from BSCI 100 at Vanderbilt University.

All options are optional, but itemSelector/play-youtube-off-of-djay.html. is recommended. Layout modes have their own separate options.

The video and guide then goes through where to place the additional patches so they are detected in Omnisphere.Windows PC users can still follow this video to see where to place your additional patches. Please note: This video was created on a Mac (OS X 10.8.5) designed to mainly assist Mac OS X 10.7 (and higher) users with locating their 'hidden' Users - Library folder. How to add sounds to omnisphere 2.



Specifies which child elements will be used as item elements in the layout.

We recommend always setting itemSelector. itemSelector is useful to exclude sizing elements or other elements that are not part of the layout.



Sets the layout mode used to position items. Default is layoutMode: 'masonry' See Layout modes.


Sets item positions in percent values, rather than pixel values. percentPosition: true works well with percent-width items, as items will not transition their position on resize.

Element sizing

Sizing options like masonry: columnWidth, masonry: gutter, and packery: columnWidth can be set with an element. The size of the element is then used as the value of the option.

The option can be set to a Selector String or an Element.

Element sizing options allow you to control the sizing of the Isotope layout within your CSS. This is useful for responsive layouts and media queries.


Specifies which elements are stamped within the layout. Isotope will layout items around stamped elements.

The masonry, packery, and masonryHorizontal layout modes support stamping.

The stamp option stamps elements only when the Isotope instance is first initialized. You can stamp additional elements afterwards with the stamp method.

stamp can be set to a Selector String, Element, or an Array-like object of Elements.


Controls the horizontal flow of the layout. By default, item elements start positioning at the left, with originLeft: true. Set originLeft: false for right-to-left layouts.

originLeft was previously isOriginLeft in Isotope v2. isOriginLeft will still work in Isotope v3.


Controls the vertical flow of the layout. By default, item elements start positioning at the top. Set to false for bottom-up layouts. It’s like Tetris!

originTop was previously isOriginTop in Isotope v2. isOriginTop will still work in Isotope v3.



Shows items that match the filter and hides items that do not match. See Filtering.

If set to a string, that value is used as a selector.

If filter is set to a function, that function checks each item and returns true or false if the item should be shown or hidden.



Isotope reads data from HTML with the getSortData option. See Sorting: getSortData.

getSortData is set with an object. The object’s keys are keywords used to sort by. Object values are either a shortcut string or function to retrieve the data.


Sorts items according to which property of getSortData. See Sorting: sortBy. The value of sortBy needs to match a key name in getSortData.

Two additional sortBy options are built in.

To sort by multiple properties, you can set sortBy to an array of key names.


Sorts items ascendingly if sortAscending: true “A, B, C…”, “1, 2, 3…”, or descendingly if sortAscending: false, “Z, Y, X…”, “9, 8, 7…”.

You can set ascending order for each sortBy value by setting sortAscending to an object.

Isotope js vs masonry



Staggers item transitions, so items transition incrementally after one another. Set as a CSS time format, '0.03s', or as a number in milliseconds, 30.


Duration of the transition when items change position or appearance, set in a CSS time format, or as a number in milliseconds. Default: transitionDuration: '0.4s'

hiddenStyle & visibleStyle

The styles applied to hide and reveal items when filtering.



CSS styles that are applied to the container element. Def


Adjusts sizes and positions when window is resized. Enabled by default resize: true.

resize was previously isResizeBound in Isotope v2. isResizeBound will still work in Isotope v3.


Enables layout on initialization. Enabled by default initLayout: true.

Set initLayout: false to disable layout on initialization, so you can use methods or add events before the initial layout.

initLayout was previously isInitLayout in Isotope v2. isInitLayout will still work in Isotope v3.

Isotope can position items with different layout modes. Set and change the layout mode with the layoutMode option.


Layout mode options

Layout modes can have their own separate options. These are set in a corresponding object within the options.

Horizontal layouts

Horizontal layout modes (masonryHorizontal, fitColumns, cellsByColumn, and horiz) need a container that has a height value. Be sure that your CSS has height set.

Included layout modes

masonry, fitRows, and vertical are included in Isotope by default. All other layout modes need to installed separately.

Layout modes


The default layout mode. Items are arranged in a vertically cascading grid.

See masonry layout mode.


Items are arranged into rows. Rows progress vertically. Similar to what you would expect from a layout that uses CSS floats. fitRows works well for items that have the same height.

See fitRows layout mode.


Isotope Js Alternative Definition

Items are stacked vertically.

See vertical layout mode.


The packery layout mode uses a bin-packing algorithm. This is a fancy way of saying “it fills empty gaps.” It works similarly to masonry, except gaps will be filled.

See packery layout mode.


A vertical grid layout where items are centered inside each cell. The grid is defined by columnWidth and rowHeight options.

See cellsByRow layout mode.


Horizontal version of masonry. Items are arranged in a horizontally cascading grid.

See masonryHorizontal layout mode.


Items are arranged into columns. Columns progress horizontally.

Isotope Js Vs Masonry

fitColumns works well with items that have the same width.

Isotope Js Alternative

See fitColumns layout mode.


A horizontal grid layout where items are centered inside each cell. The grid is defined by columnWidth and rowHeight options.

See cellsByColumn layout mode.


Isotope Js Alternative Model

Items are arranged horizontally.

Isotope Js Alternative Vs

See horiz layout mode.